
Whether you’re looking for a custom finished floor, polished concrete, epoxy flake floors, industrial coatings, resurfacing, tile demolition or surface prep-work RCSFloors can deliver results.

Our Services

Polished Concrete

Polished concrete is rapidly becoming the ultimate low maintenance flooring solution. We achieve a beautiful shine through a mechanical process.


Resinous and high-performance flooring systems create seamless surfaces that are extremely durable and easy to maintain.

Surface Prep

Ensure a durable and long-lasting floor with proven surface preparation solutions.

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Experience Makes Expert

RCSFloors has 11 years of experience in working with concrete floors, making us experts in the field. Over the years, we have completed a wide range of projects, from simple repairs to large-scale installations. We have developed a deep understanding of the materials and properly prepare for optimal strength and durability.

Our experience also means that we have encountered and mitigated many common concrete problems such as cracking, spalling. and elevated hydrostatic pressure. We can quickly identify the cause of the problem and provide an effective solution to restore the integrity of the concrete. Whether it’s a small repair or a complex installation, RCSFloors has the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right.

Combined Experience

Completed Projects

Latest Projects

Basement Flooring

RCSFloors can transform your basement into a beautiful and functional space with their high-quality flooring options, including polished concrete & epoxy coatings.

Metallic Epoxy

RCSFloors can create the luxurious look of marble with their custom epoxy flooring options, which are durable, easy to maintain, and perfect for high-traffic areas.

Stunning Finishes

For a stunning, high-end finish that will impress your guests, RCSFloors can install a custom metallic epoxy flooring that will transform any space into a work of art.

We’ve Been Making Floors Better For Over 11 Combined Years

RCSFloors is a versatile flooring company that can handle projects of all sizes and types, from residential flooring installation to commercial and residential flooring. We have years of experience working with concrete, which has made us experts in the field. With our deep understanding of the materials we have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that any project they take on is completed with quality and professionalism.

Client Testimonials

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit adipiscing elit. Nullam lectus consectetur eu sapien. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet tortor.”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit adipiscing elit. Nullam lectus consectetur eu sapien. Proin cursus, dolor a mollis risus dolor fermentum massa, a commodo elit dui sit amet tortor.”